Spiritual Growth Circle with Helen Ohm, RScP

Wednesdays: 7:00-8:00 PM PT | Connect! Grow!

A Spiritual Growth Circle is a small group of 8-10 people who meet on a weekly basis and have a strong desire to connect and grow spiritually. A Circle provides an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth with others who have a common desire to bring personal spiritual principles into their daily life experience.

Circle members share their insights to the Sunday message and how the message applies to their life. By connecting with others on a regular basis nurturing and caring relationships develop as they share, study, and pray with one another over time.

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Wednesdays: 7:00-8:00 PM PT
Connect! Grow!

A Spiritual Growth Circle is a small group of 8-10 people who meet on a weekly basis and have a strong desire to connect and grow spiritually. A Circle provides an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth with others who have a common desire to bring personal spiritual principles into their daily life experience.

Circle members share their insights to the Sunday message and how the message applies to their life. By connecting with others on a regular basis nurturing and caring relationships develop as they share, study, and pray with one another over time.

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